Dharamveer Solanki Multispeciality Hospital

Deformity Correction Surgery


Deformity correction involves procedures aimed at restoring the normal alignment and function of deformed bones or joints. These deformities can be congenital (present at birth) or acquired (develop over time or due to injury or disease). The most common areas for deformity correction include the spine, legs, and feet.

Risk Factors

Risk factors for bone and joint deformities include:

  • Genetics: Certain genetic conditions can predispose individuals to bone deformities.
  • Nutritional Deficiencies: Lack of nutrients like Vitamin D and calcium can lead to bone deformities, particularly in children.
  • Trauma or Injury: An improperly healed fracture can result in bone deformity.
  • Certain Diseases: Conditions like osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and rickets can cause deformities.


Preventing bone deformities depends largely on the cause. Some preventive measures include:
Proper nutrition, particularly in growing children.
Prompt and appropriate treatment of bone fractures and diseases that can cause deformities.
Regular exercise to maintain joint mobility and bone strength.

Myths, Misconceptions, and Facts

Myth: All bone deformities are obvious at birth.

Fact: While some are apparent early on, others may not become apparent until later in life.

Myth: Deformities can correct themselves over time without treatment.

Fact: Some minor deformities may improve over time, but many require medical intervention.

Myth: Deformity correction surgery always involves major procedures.

Fact: The type of surgery depends on the specific deformity. Some may be minimally invasive.

The specific procedure depends on the type and severity of the deformity, but the goal is to restore normal alignment and function.
Recovery times vary widely depending on the procedure and the patient’s overall health. It could range from a few weeks to several months.
Yes, non-surgical treatments such as physical therapy, braces, or casts may be effective in some cases, particularly in children.


Deformity correction is an important aspect of orthopedic medicine aimed at restoring normal alignment and function to deformed bones and joints. Risk factors for deformities include genetics, nutritional deficiencies, trauma, and certain diseases. While some Myths surround these procedures, they are often necessary for improving the patient’s quality of life and functionality. Various surgical and non- surgical treatments exist, each with their own recovery times and outcomes. As always, it’s crucial to have these conversations with a healthcare professional to understand the best course of action.
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