Dharamveer Solanki Multispeciality Hospital

Gynecomastia Correction Surgery


Gynecomastia is a condition characterized by the enlargement of male breast tissue,  resulting from hormonal imbalances, medications, or other underlying causes. This  condition can affect men of all ages and can cause physical discomfort, self consciousness, and emotional distress.

Symptoms of Gynecomastia

The symptoms of gynecomastia can vary in severity: 

  1. Enlarged breast gland tissue: The primary symptom of gynecomastia is an  increase in the size of the breast gland tissue, leading to a visible or palpable  enlargement of the breast(s). 
  2. Swollen breast appearance: The affected breast(s) may appear swollen and  have an uneven contour, with the enlargement being more pronounced around  the nipple and areola. 
  3. Tender or painful breasts: Gynecomastia can cause breast tenderness or pain,  which may be uncomfortable or even painful to the touch. 
  4. Nipple discharge: In some cases, gynecomastia may be accompanied by nipple  discharge, which can be clear, milky, or even bloody.
  5. Asymmetry: The condition may affect one breast more than the other, leading  to an asymmetrical appearance.

Social Stigma Related to Gynecomastia

  1. Body image issues: Men with gynecomastia may feel self-conscious about their  appearance, leading to negative body image and reduced self-esteem. 
  2. Social withdrawal: The embarrassment or shame associated with  gynecomastia may cause individuals to avoid social situations, especially those  that involve removing their shirt (e.g., swimming, sports, or visiting the  beach). 
  3. Bullying and teasing: Men with gynecomastia may be subjected to bullying or  teasing from peers, which can further damage their self-esteem and emotional  well-being. 
  4. Anxiety and depression: The social stigma and emotional impact of  gynecomastia can contribute to feelings of anxiety and depression, affecting  overall mental health. 
  5. Reluctance to seek medical help: Due to the social stigma associated with  gynecomastia, some men may be hesitant to seek medical help or discuss their  condition with a healthcare professional, potentially delaying diagnosis and  treatment.

Treatment options for gynecomastia

Treatment options for gynecomastia depend on the severity of the condition and the  underlying cause. In some cases, medication or lifestyle changes may be sufficient  to address the issue. However, when conservative treatments fail to provide  satisfactory results, surgical intervention may be necessary. 

Gynecomastia correction surgery involves the removal of excess breast tissue and  the reshaping of the chest contours to achieve a more masculine appearance. There  are several surgical techniques available, such as liposuction, excision, or a  combination of both, depending on the amount and type of tissue to be removed.

If Gynecomastia Surgery is Right for You: Factors to Consider

  • Men who have not responded to conservative treatments 
  • Men who experience physical discomfort or emotional distress due to enlarged  breast tissue 
  • Men in good overall health, with no medical conditions that could impair healing  or increase surgical risks 

Types of Gynecomastia Surgery

There are several types of gynecomastia surgery, each tailored to address the specific  needs of the patient based on the severity of the condition and the composition of 

the breast tissue. The most common techniques used in gynecomastia surgery  include: 

  1. Liposuction: 

Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure used to remove excess fat from the  breast area. This technique is best suited for patients who have gynecomastia  primarily caused by excessive fatty tissue. During liposuction, the surgeon makes  small incisions around the breast and inserts a thin, hollow tube called a cannula. The  cannula is moved back and forth to loosen and remove the fat, which is then  suctioned out of the body. 

  1. Excision: 

Excision is a surgical technique used to remove excess glandular tissue and/or skin  from the breast area. This method is ideal for patients with gynecomastia caused by  excessive glandular tissue or those with sagging skin due to significant weight loss  or aging. During the excision procedure, the surgeon makes an incision around the  areola or along the natural creases of the chest and removes the unwanted tissue. If  necessary, the surgeon may also reposition the nipple and areola to achieve a more  natural, masculine appearance. 

  1. Combination of Liposuction and Excision: 

In some cases, a combination of liposuction and excision may be necessary to achieve  optimal results. This approach is typically used for patients who have a mix of excess  fat and glandular tissue or those with more severe cases of gynecomastia. By  combining both techniques, the surgeon can effectively remove all unwanted tissue  and sculpt a more contoured, masculine chest.

The type of gynecomastia surgery that is best for you will depend on your specific  condition, the underlying cause, and your desired outcome.  


The type of anesthesia used for gynecomastia surgery depends on the extent of the  procedure and the preference of the patient and surgeon. There are two primary  types of anesthesia that may be used for gynecomastia surgery: 

  1. Local Anesthesia: 

Local anesthesia involves the injection of an anesthetic agent directly into the area  to be treated, numbing the chest region. The patient remains awake during the  procedure but will not feel any pain or discomfort. In some cases, local anesthesia  may be combined with sedation to help the patient relax and feel more comfortable. 

This type of anesthesia is often used for less invasive gynecomastia procedures, such  as liposuction, where the removal of a small amount of fat is required. Local  anesthesia is generally associated with fewer risks and a quicker recovery time  compared to general anesthesia. 

  1. General Anesthesia: 

General anesthesia involves the administration of anesthetic agents through  inhalation or intravenous (IV) injection, causing the patient to become unconscious  and unaware of the procedure. This type of anesthesia is typically used for more  extensive gynecomastia surgeries, such as those involving excision or a combination  of liposuction and excision.

General anesthesia provides complete pain relief and ensures that the patient  remains still during the surgery. However, it carries a slightly higher risk of  complications and may require a longer recovery time compared to local anesthesia. 

The choice of anesthesia for gynecomastia surgery will depend on factors such as the  complexity of the procedure, the patient’s medical history, and the surgeon’s  preference. It is essential to discuss your options with your surgeon during the  consultation process to determine the best course of action for your specific needs.

What to expect during Consultation?

During a consultation for gynecomastia surgery, you can expect the following steps  to ensure the best possible outcome and a personalized treatment plan: 

  1. Discussion of your medical history: 

Your surgeon will ask about your medical history, including any previous surgeries,  medical conditions, allergies, and medications you are currently taking. It is essential  to provide accurate and complete information to help the surgeon assess your overall  health and determine if you are a suitable candidate for gynecomastia surgery. 

  1. Physical examination: 

The surgeon will perform a thorough physical examination of your chest, evaluating  the size, shape, and composition of your breasts. This may involve assessing the  amount of fat, glandular tissue, and skin present, as well as the elasticity of the skin.  The surgeon may also check for any underlying causes of gynecomastia, such as  hormonal imbalances or tumors. 

  1. Discussion of your goals and expectations:

It’s crucial to have a clear understanding of your goals and expectations for the  surgery. The surgeon will discuss your desired outcome, as well as any concerns or  questions you may have. This helps ensure that both you and your surgeon are on  the same page regarding the results you hope to achieve. 

  1. Review of surgical options: 

Based on your medical history, physical examination, and desired outcome, the  surgeon will recommend the most appropriate surgical technique for your  gynecomastia surgery. This may involve liposuction, excision, or a combination of  both methods. The surgeon will explain the benefits and risks of each technique, as  well as the expected recovery time and potential complications. 

  1. Preoperative instructions: 

If you decide to proceed with gynecomastia surgery, your surgeon will provide you  with preoperative instructions to follow. These may include guidelines on medications  to avoid, smoking cessation, and dietary restrictions. Following these instructions is  essential for minimizing risks and ensuring a smooth surgical experience. 

  1. Discussion of anesthesia options: 

The surgeon will discuss your anesthesia options, which may include local anesthesia  with sedation or general anesthesia. They will explain the benefits and risks of each  option and help you decide which is most suitable for your specific needs. 

  1. Cost and financing options: 

Finally, the surgeon will provide you with an estimate of the cost of your  gynecomastia surgery, including surgeon’s fees, facility fees, and anesthesia fees.  They may also discuss financing options if applicable.

A gynecomastia surgery consultation is an essential step in determining if the  procedure is right for you. It allows you to ask questions, address concerns, and  ensure that you and your surgeon have a mutual understanding of the desired  outcome.


Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding gynecomastia  surgery, also known as male breast surgery:

Gynecomastia is a condition characterized by the enlargement of male breast tissue  due to hormonal imbalances, medications, or other underlying causes. It can affect men of all ages and may cause physical discomfort, self-consciousness, and  emotional distress.

The primary cause of gynecomastia is an imbalance between estrogen and  testosterone levels in the body. This can occur due to various factors, including  natural hormonal changes, certain medications, medical conditions, or the use of  anabolic steroids.

Ideal candidates for gynecomastia surgery are men who have not responded to  conservative treatments, are in good overall health, and experience physical  discomfort or emotional distress due to enlarged breast tissue.

There are several techniques used in gynecomastia surgery, including liposuction,  excision, or a combination of both. The choice of technique depends on the amount  and type of tissue to be removed and the desired outcome.

Recovery after gynecomastia surgery varies depending on the technique used and  the individual patient. Generally, patients can expect some swelling, bruising, and  discomfort during the first few days. Most patients can return to work within 1-2  weeks and resume regular physical activities within 4-6 weeks.

The results of gynecomastia surgery are typically long-lasting. However, if the  underlying cause of gynecomastia is not addressed or if the patient gains significant  weight, the breast tissue may redevelop. Maintaining a stable weight and addressing  any hormonal imbalances can help ensure lasting results.

As with any surgical procedure, gynecomastia surgery carries some risks and  potential complications. These may include infection, bleeding, scarring, changes in  nipple sensation, contour irregularities, and the need for additional surgery.  Discussing these risks with your surgeon during the consultation process can help  you make an informed decision about the procedure.

The cost of gynecomastia surgery varies depending on factors such as the surgeon’s  experience, the technique used, and the geographic location of the practice. The cost  typically includes surgeon’s fees, facility fees, and anesthesia fees. During your 

consultation, your surgeon will provide you with an estimate of the cost and discuss  any financing options if applicable.

Complications of Gynecomastia Surgery 

As with any surgical procedure, gynecomastia surgery carries some risks and  potential complications. While these risks are relatively rare, it’s important to be  aware of them before undergoing the surgery. Possible risks and complications of  gynecomastia surgery include: 

  1. Infection: Infection may occur in the surgical area, usually within the first few  days or weeks after the surgery. Proper wound care and following your  surgeon’s postoperative instructions can help minimize the risk of infection. 
  2. Bleeding: Excessive bleeding or hematoma (a collection of blood outside the  blood vessels) can occur during or after the surgery. Your surgeon may place  drains to help reduce the risk of hematoma formation. 
  3. Scarring: All surgical procedures result in some scarring. The extent of scarring  depends on the surgical technique used and your body’s healing response.  Your surgeon will make every effort to minimize scarring and place incisions in  inconspicuous locations. 
  4. Changes in nipple sensation: Gynecomastia surgery may affect the sensation  in the nipple and areola area. This can be temporary or, in rare cases,  permanent.
  5. Contour irregularities: Some patients may experience uneven contours or  asymmetry in the chest area after gynecomastia surgery. This can be due to  uneven fat or glandular tissue removal, swelling, or changes in the skin’s  elasticity. 
  6. Seroma: A seroma is a build-up of fluid under the skin, which may occur after  gynecomastia surgery. If a seroma develops, it may need to be drained by  your surgeon. 
  7. Anesthesia risks: As with any surgery involving anesthesia, there are potential  risks associated with the administration of anesthesia, such as allergic  reactions or complications related to underlying medical conditions. 
  8. Need for additional surgery: In some cases, patients may require additional  surgery to correct complications or achieve the desired results. This may  involve revisions to address contour irregularities, asymmetry, or excessive  scarring. 

It’s essential to discuss these risks and potential complications with your surgeon  during the consultation process. This will help you make an informed decision about  the procedure and understand what to expect during the recovery period.

Proper preoperative preparation

Proper preoperative preparation is essential for a smooth gynecomastia surgery and  optimal results. Here are some general guidelines to help you prepare for the  procedure:

  1. Medical evaluation: Your surgeon may require a thorough medical evaluation,  including blood tests, to ensure you are in good health before the surgery. This  may also include an evaluation of your hormone levels to determine any  underlying causes of gynecomastia. 
  2. Medications: Inform your surgeon of all medications, supplements, and  vitamins you are currently taking. You may be asked to stop or adjust the  dosage of certain medications, such as blood thinners or anti-inflammatory  drugs, prior to the surgery to minimize the risk of bleeding and complications. 
  3. Smoking cessation: If you smoke, you should quit smoking at least 4-6 weeks  before the surgery, as smoking can impair the healing process and increase  the risk of complications. 
  4. Alcohol consumption: Limit or avoid alcohol consumption for at least two weeks  before the surgery, as excessive alcohol intake can interfere with the healing  process. 
  5. Diet and hydration: Maintain a balanced diet and stay well-hydrated in the  weeks leading up to the surgery. Proper nutrition is essential for optimal  healing and recovery. 
  6. Arrange for help: As you will need assistance during the initial recovery period,  make sure to arrange for a friend or family member to drive you home after  the surgery and provide help for the first few days, if needed.
  7. Prepare your recovery area: Set up a comfortable and clean recovery area at  home with all necessary items within easy reach. This may include pillows,  blankets, ice packs, prescribed medications, and any supplies you might need  for wound care. 
  8. Follow preoperative instructions: Your surgeon will provide you with specific  preoperative instructions to follow, which may include guidelines on fasting,  bathing, and any other requirements for the day of the surgery. Be sure to  adhere to these instructions carefully. 

By following these guidelines and any additional instructions provided by your  surgeon, you can help ensure a smooth gynecomastia surgery experience and  minimize the risk of complications.

What Should I expect during my Gynecomastia Surgery recovery?

Recovering from gynecomastia surgery can vary for each individual, but there are  some common experiences and expectations during the recovery process. Here’s  what you can generally expect during your gynecomastia surgery recovery: 

  1. Pain and discomfort: You may experience some pain, swelling, and discomfort  in the chest area for the first few days following surgery. Your surgeon will  likely prescribe pain medication to help manage these symptoms. 
  2. Wearing a compression garment: Your surgeon may recommend wearing a  compression garment or elastic bandage around your chest to provide support, minimize swelling, and help reshape the chest area. You will typically be  advised to wear this garment continuously for a few weeks. 
  1. Drains: If your surgeon placed drains during the surgery, they will provide you  with instructions on how to care for them. Drains are usually removed within  a few days to a week after the surgery. 
  2. Limited physical activity: You should avoid strenuous physical activities, heavy  lifting, and exercises that involve the upper body for at least 4-6 weeks  following the surgery. Light walking is encouraged to promote blood circulation  and prevent blood clots. 
  3. Follow-up appointments: You will have follow-up appointments with your  surgeon to monitor your healing progress, remove drains and sutures (if  necessary), and address any concerns you may have. It’s essential to attend  these appointments and follow your surgeon’s postoperative instructions. 
  4. Bruising and swelling: Some bruising and swelling are normal after  gynecomastia surgery. These symptoms should gradually subside over the first  few weeks. You can use ice packs and keep your upper body elevated to help  minimize swelling. 
  5. Scarring: Scarring is a natural part of the healing process. The extent and  appearance of scarring will depend on the surgical technique used and your  body’s healing response. Scars will typically fade over time, but may remain  visible to some extent.
  6. Return to work: Most patients can return to work within 1-2 weeks after the  surgery, depending on the nature of their job and their individual recovery  progress. 
  7. Final results: The final results of gynecomastia surgery may take several  months to become apparent, as swelling subsides and the chest area settles  into its new shape. It’s important to be patient and give your body time to  heal. 

Remember that each person’s recovery experience may vary. It’s essential to follow  your surgeon’s specific postoperative instructions and communicate any concerns or  complications during your recovery.

What results should I expect after Gynecomastia surgery? 

After gynecomastia surgery, you can expect several immediate improvements in the  appearance and feel of your chest. While individual results may vary, typical  outcomes of gynecomastia surgery include: 

  1. Flatter, firmer chest: The primary goal of gynecomastia surgery is to remove  excess breast tissue and fat, resulting in a flatter and firmer chest contour.  This can help you feel more confident and comfortable in your body. 
  2. Improved symmetry: Gynecomastia surgery can correct asymmetry between  the two breasts, providing a more balanced and symmetrical appearance.
  3. Better-fitting clothes: With the reduction in breast size, you may find that your  clothes fit better and you feel more comfortable wearing tighter or more form fitting clothing. 
  4. Increased confidence and self-esteem: Many men who undergo gynecomastia  surgery experience a significant boost in their self-esteem and confidence, as  they no longer feel self-conscious about the appearance of their chest. 
  5. Permanent results: The results of gynecomastia surgery are generally long lasting, as long as the underlying cause of the condition has been addressed  and you maintain a stable weight. However, significant weight gain or  hormonal imbalances may cause breast tissue to redevelop. 

It’s important to have realistic expectations about the results of gynecomastia  surgery and to understand that the final outcome may take several months to become  apparent, as swelling subsides and the chest area settles into its new shape. Keep in  mind that each person’s experience and results may vary, and your surgeon will  provide you with a better understanding of what to expect in your specific case.

Post Gynecomastia Surgery- Scars

Surgical scars after gynecomastia surgery are an expected part of the healing  process. The appearance and extent of scarring can vary depending on the surgical  technique used and the individual’s healing response. Here’s what you can expect  regarding scars after gynecomastia surgery:

  1. Incision placement: Surgeons typically make incisions in inconspicuous areas  to minimize visible scarring. In most cases, incisions are made around the edge  of the areola or within the natural creases of the chest. The size and location  of the incisions depend on the extent of breast tissue and fat removal required. 
  2. Scarring appearance: Initially, surgical scars may appear red, raised, and  noticeable. However, over time, they will usually fade and become less visible.  This process can take anywhere from several months to a few years. 
  3. Scar care: Proper scar care is crucial for promoting the best possible healing  and minimizing the appearance of scars. Your surgeon will provide you with  specific instructions on how to care for your incisions, which may include  keeping the area clean and dry, applying silicone-based scar gels or sheets,  and using sun protection to prevent darkening of the scars. 
  4. Individual factors: The appearance of scars after gynecomastia surgery can be  influenced by individual factors such as genetics, skin tone, and the body’s  healing response. Some people may be more prone to developing thicker or  more visible scars, known as hypertrophic or keloid scars. 
  5. Revision surgery: In extreme rare cases where scarring is particularly severe  or unsightly, a scar revision surgery may be considered to improve the  appearance of the scar. However, this is typically only done after the initial  scar has matured and the healing process is complete. 

It’s essential to have realistic expectations about scarring after gynecomastia surgery  and to follow your surgeon’s postoperative instructions for optimal healing and scar  management.

Pain Concern 

At DSH, we recognize the impact that gynecomastia can have on your self-esteem  and quality of life. Our expert team is committed to delivering personalized, nearly  pain-free surgical solutions to address this issue and restore your confidence. By  utilizing advanced surgical techniques, we ensure minimal scarring and optimal  results, allowing you to feel comfortable and confident in your own body.

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