Dharamveer Solanki Multispeciality Hospital

Gall Bladder Surgery in Rohini,

Introduction: Advanced Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery in Delhi NCR

Gallbladder surgery, also known as cholecystectomy, is a highly effective procedure aimed at removing the gallbladder – a small, pear-shaped organ situated beneath the liver. Responsible for storing bile, a fluid produced by the liver to aid in fat digestion, the gall bladder plays a crucial role in the digestive process. This surgery is a common approach to address gallstones and other conditions related to the gallbladder. Experience expert gall bladder surgery in Rohini at Dharamveer Solanki Hospital, known as one of the best hospital for gallbladder surgery in Delhi. Our specialized treatment offers relief from gall bladder issues, ensuring your well-being and comfort. Consult our experts to explore the path to better health and book your consultation today.

Gallbladder issues typically present the following symptoms:
  • Sudden and intense pain in the upper right abdomen or center
  • Pain between shoulder blades 
  • Pain in the right shoulder 
  • Nausea or vomiting 
  • Fever 
  • Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes) 

Treatment Options: Our Expert Gallbladder Surgeons in Delhi  

Treatment options for gallbladder issues depend on the severity of the symptoms and the underlying condition. Conservative treatments may be recommended for mild gallbladder problems, which can include:
  • Dietary modifications (low-fat diet) 
  • Pain relief medications
However, if symptoms persist or worsen, gallbladder surgery in Delhi NCR may be necessary. If Gallbladder Surgery is Right for You: Factors to Consider Individuals with the following conditions may benefit from gallbladder surgery: 
  • Gallstones: Gallstones are hardened deposits of bile that can cause severe pain, inflammation, and infection. If gallstones become problematic or recurrent, gallbladder removal in Delhi may be necessary to prevent further complications.
  • Inflammation: Inflammation of the gallbladder, known as cholecystitis, can cause severe pain, fever, and nausea. Surgery may be required if the inflammation is severe or recurrent.
  • Gallbladder Polyps: Although most gallbladder polyps are benign, larger polyps may carry a risk of cancer. Surgery may be recommended to eliminate this risk.
  • Gallbladder Cancer: If cancer is detected in the gallbladder, surgical removal is often the primary treatment to prevent the spread of cancerous cells.

Types of Surgeries 

There are two main types of gallbladder surgery: 
  • Laparoscopic cholecystectomy: A minimally invasive procedure using small incisions, a laparoscope (a thin tube with a camera), and specialized instruments to remove the gallbladder. This approach results in faster recovery, less pain, and smaller scars.
  • Open cholecystectomy: A more invasive procedure that requires a larger incision (about 6 inches) in the upper right abdomen to access and remove the gallbladder.
This approach may be necessary in cases of severe inflammation, infection, or prior abdominal surgeries.

Which Method is Best – Open or Laparoscopic? 

Laparoscopic vs. Open Gallbladder Surgery: 
  • Smaller Incisions: Laparoscopic surgery involves several small incisions, whereas open surgery requires a single, larger incision. Smaller incisions lead to less scarring and a more aesthetically pleasing outcome.
  • Reduced Pain: Patients typically experience less postoperative pain with laparoscopic surgery due to the smaller incisions and minimal disruption of surrounding tissues.
  • Shorter Hospital Stay: Laparoscopic surgery often results in a shorter hospital stay, allowing patients to return home sooner and resume their daily activities more quickly.
  • Faster Recovery: The recovery time for laparoscopic surgery is generally shorter than that of open surgery, enabling patients to get back to their normal routines more rapidly.
  • Lower Risk of Infection: The smaller incisions associated with laparoscopic surgery reduce the risk of infection compared to open surgery.
  • Less Blood Loss: Laparoscopic surgery typically involves less blood loss than open surgery, making it a safer option for patients.


Gallbladder surgery is performed under general anesthesia, which means the patient is unconscious during the procedure. An anesthesiologist will monitor the patient’s vital signs and ensure their comfort throughout the surgery.

What to Expect During Consultation? 

During the consultation, the gallbladder specialist will:
  • Discuss the patient’s medical history and symptoms 
  • Perform a physical examination 
  • Review imaging studies (ultrasound, CT scan, etc.) 
  • Discuss the risks, benefits, and alternatives to gallbladder surgery 
  • Provide pre-operative instructions, including dietary restrictions, medications to avoid, and bowel preparation if necessary

FAQs regarding Surgery

Laparoscopic surgery typically takes 45 mins-1 hour, while open surgery may take 1-2 hours.

Patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery may be discharged the same day or after  an overnight stay. Open surgery may require a longer hospital stay of 2-4 days.


Although gallbladder surgery is generally safe, complications can occur, such as:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Bile leakage
  • Injury to the bile duct, liver, or intestines
  • Blood clots
  • Anesthesia-related complications
  • Pneumonia 

Pre-op Evaluation 

Before surgery, patients will undergo a pre-operative evaluation, including:

  • Blood tests (e.g., complete blood count, liver function tests) 
  • Imaging studies (ultrasound, CT scan, MRCP) 
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG) to assess heart function 

What to Expect During Surgery Recovery? 

After surgery, patients can expect: 

  • Pain and discomfort managed with medications prescribed by the surgeon 
  • Gradual return to normal activities within a week (laparoscopic) or 4-6 weeks (open surgery)
  • Restrictions on lifting heavy objects for a few weeks 
  • Temporary dietary modifications (e.g., low-fat diet) 
  • Follow-up appointments to monitor recovery and remove sutures or staples if necessary

What Results Should I Expect After Surgery? 

Gallbladder surgery is effective in relieving pain and preventing complications related to gallstones. However, some patients may experience temporary diarrhea or changes in bowel habits following surgery. These symptoms usually resolve within a few weeks to months as the body adjusts to the absence of the gallbladder.

Post-surgical Scars 

Laparoscopic surgery results in smaller scars (about 1 cm each) compared to open surgery, which leaves a single larger scar (about 4-6 inches). Scarring will fade over time but may remain visible to some extent. Surgeons will typically make incisions in areas that are less noticeable or can be concealed by clothing.

Pain Concern 

Pain following gallbladder surgery is expected but can be managed with medications prescribed by the surgeon. Most patients experience significant improvement in pain within a few days after the procedure. Over-the-counter pain relievers or prescription medications may be recommended to control pain and discomfort during the recovery period.


Gallbladder surgery is a common and effective treatment for gallstones and other gallbladder-related conditions. By understanding the process, risks, and recovery expectations, patients can make informed decisions about their treatment options and prepare for a successful surgery and recovery. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional to discuss your specific situation and determine the best course of action for your condition. At Dharamveer Solanki Hospital, our expert gallbladder surgeons in Delhi utilize advanced surgical techniques to help you get rid of gallstone pain quickly.

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