Dharamveer Solanki Multispeciality Hospital

Septoplasty Surgery in Rohini, Delhi


Septoplasty is a precise surgical intervention aimed at correcting a deviated nasal septum – a condition where the cartilage and bone separating the nostrils are misaligned, leading to restricted airflow and breathing challenges. This procedure effectively straightens the septum, thereby improving breathing and ensuring optimal nasal function.

At Dharamveer Solanki Hospital, we offer expert septoplasty surgery in Rohini. Our specialized treatment caters to enhancing nasal function and overall well-being. Experience improved breathing and a better quality of life – book a consultation now to explore the benefits of septoplasty.

Risk Factors

1. Congenital Issue: Some people are born with a deviated septum, which can become noticeable as they grow.
2. Injury: Trauma to the nose, often due to sports injuries, accidents, or fights, can cause the septum to deviate.
3. Ageing: As we age, cartilage can weaken and shift, leading to a deviated septum.


Preventing a deviated septum isn’t always possible. Injuries to the nose can often cause a deviation, so taking precautions when participating in activities that might result in a nasal injury can be beneficial. This can include wearing protective gear during sports or when riding a bike, for example.

Myths, Misconceptions, and Facts

Myth: Septoplasty will change the shape of my nose.

Fact: Septoplasty is performed within the nose and primarily alters the septum, not the external shape of the nose.

Myth: Recovery from septoplasty is lengthy and painful.

Fact: While every patient’s recovery is different, many people can return to work within a week, and discomfort can usually be managed with pain medication.

Myth: Septoplasty cures snoring.

Fact: While septoplasty can improve breathing, it may not necessarily eliminate snoring, especially if it is caused by other factors such as sleep apnea.

Myth: A deviated septum can always be corrected with medication or nasal strips.

Fact: Medication or nasal strips can temporarily alleviate symptoms but cannot correct the physical deviation of the septum.

This procedure should not affect your sense of smell.
As with any surgical procedure, there are risks of complications such as bleeding, infection, or an adverse reaction to anesthesia. Rarely, the procedure can lead to a hole in the septum, but this is unusual.
Some surgeons use nasal packing to prevent bleeding, but others prefer not to because it can cause discomfort. It depends on your surgeon’s practice.
Typically, light activities can be resumed within a few days. However, it’s recommended to avoid strenuous activities for about 3-6 weeks.
Prior to surgery, avoid medications that can thin the blood (like aspirin) unless directed otherwise by your surgeon. If you smoke, try to quit or cut down because smoking can slow healing.


Septoplasty is a common surgical procedure that addresses a deviated septum, improving nasal function and breathing capacity. Recovery is usually swift, with most individuals returning to their daily activities within a week. While septoplasty can drastically improve quality of life for those with a significantly deviated septum, it’s important to have realistic expectations about the procedure and to follow all pre and post-operative instructions for best results.
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