Dharamveer Solanki Multispeciality Hospital

Tongue Tie Surgery


Tongue-tie, also known as ankyloglossia, is a condition present at birth that restricts the tongue’s range of motion. With tongue-tie, an unusually short, thick, or tight band of tissue (lingual frenulum) tethers the bottom of the tongue’s tip to the floor of the mouth. A person who has tongue-tie might have difficulty sticking out their tongue or moving it from side to side.

Risk Factors

1. Genetics: Tongue-tie predisposition. often runs in families, suggesting a genetic predisposition.
2. Sex: It is more common in boys than in girls.
3. Certain Genetic Syndromes: Certain conditions that affect the muscles and nerves, like Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, can also increase the risk of having tongue-tie.


As a congenital condition, tongue-tie can’t be prevented. The focus is usually on managing symptoms and correcting the tongue’s mobility to ensure normal feeding, speech development, and oral hygiene.

Myths, Misconceptions, and Facts

Myth: All babies with tongue-tie need treatment.

Fact: Many babies with tongue-tie don’t have issues that require treatment. Treatment is typically considered when tongue-tie interferes with feeding or speech.

Myth: Tongue-tie will naturally correct itself over time.

Fact: While some children may adapt to tongue-tie, not all do, and it may lead to speech or feeding difficulties.

Myth: Tongue-tie surgery is a major procedure.

Fact: The surgery, known as a frenotomy, is quick and often performed without anesthesia in newborns.

In infants, difficulty breastfeeding effectively, resulting in poor weight gain and frustration or fussiness. In older children, difficulty speaking or pronouncing certain sounds may be observed.
It can be identified during a physical examination, often shortly after birth.
If tongue-tie causes problems, it can be treated by cutting the frenulum (frenotomy) to allow the tongue to move more freely.
Frenotomy is generally a safe procedure. Possible risks include bleeding, infection, or damage to the tongue or salivary glands.
If left untreated, tongue-tie can affect a child’s speech, particularly their ability to pronounce certain sounds.


Tongue-tie is a congenital condition where the tongue is tethered to the floor of the mouth, potentially causing difficulty with feeding and speech. While treatment isn’t always necessary, a simple procedure can be done to free the tongue for movement. There are several misconceptions about tongue-tie, but understanding the facts can help guide decision-making.
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